Brand Assets

About ProximaX Brand

ProximaX is defined by many little details that collectively make it stand as an exclusive brand in the blockchain space. From every word we have on our platform to every project we work on, we want to forge a strong and convincing impression. That’s why we aim to maintain the utmost consistency in brand building. We want people to recognize us by the colors we use and the words we write and the quality of service we deliver.

We are one. We are ProximaX. And here, you can find what defines our brand.

Colors that Define ProximaX

RGB — 31,180,172
CMYK — 74,4,39,0

HEX — #F06623
RGB — 240,102,35
CMYK — 1,74,99,0

HEX — #F3A91D
RGB — 243,169,29
CMYK — 3,37,100,0

HEX — #79B6E3
RGB — 121,182,227
CMYK — 49,15,0,0


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